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Náměstek pro vědu a výzkum
Tel:+420 221 977 305
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Tel:+420 221 977 648
Tel:+420 221 977 144
Ústav hematologie a krevní transfuze
Identifikátor: | HORIZON-MISS-2024-CANCER-01-05 |
Rozpočet: | 36 000 000 € |
Typ: | Jednokolová |
Datum otevření: | 18. 4. 2024 |
Datum uzavření: | 18. 9. 2024 |
Výzva pro projekty s cílem zvýšení povědomí a lepší pochopení výskytu, závažnosti a dopadu pozdních následků mladých onkologických pacientů.
Typ žadatele: Konsorcia
Předpokládaný rozpočet projektu: 4 - 6 mil. €
Proposals under this topic should aim to deliver results that are directed and tailored towards and contribute to the following expected outcomes:
This topic will contribute to the achievement of the Mission’s objective to improve the quality of life of cancer patients, survivors and their families. The focus should be exclusively on adolescent and young adult (AYA, age range 15-39) cancer patients and survivors.
Each year, more than 150,000 AYA cancers are diagnosed in the EU, and over 1.2 million worldwide. About 300,000 AYA patients live with or beyond cancer in the EU; the majority experience late-effects due to their cancer treatment, including chronic pain, cardiovascular disease, organ and skin alterations, cosmetic sequelae, fertility problems, cognitive and functional impairment, and mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. Survivors may also be at increased risk of second cancers due to the long-term effects of radiation and chemotherapy. The negative impact on education and employment of AYA survivors and in general the financial burden borne by them is also commonly observed.
Late effects are particularly challenging for AYA cancer survivors, who often experience them during a critical phase of their lives. Late effects are also challenging for caregivers. The considerable progress made in treating AYA cancers has further exposed gaps in the understanding, prevention and management of late-effects, which warrant more targeted pan-European research on AYA cancer survivorship.
Proposals should focus on one or more cancer types and address only one of the following interventions:
This topic requires direct involvement of cancer patients and survivors, survivor representative organisations, caregivers, and the effective contribution of SSH disciplines and the involvement of SSH experts, institutions as well as the inclusion of relevant SSH expertise, in order to produce meaningful and significant results, enhancing the impact of the related research activities.
The use of participative research models, such as oncology-centred living labs or other approaches to deliver (social) innovation should be considered.
Due consideration should be given to EU-funded initiatives such as: EU-CAYAS-NET; ERN PaedCan; PanCareFollowUp; PanCareSurPass; EUonQoL; e-Quol; STRONG-AYA.
The Commission will facilitate coordination. Therefore, successful proposals will be asked to join the 'Quality of Life' cluster for the Mission on Cancer established in 2023 and should include a budget for networking, attendance at meetings, and potential joint activities without the prerequisite to give details of these at this stage. Examples: organising joint workshops, establishing best practices, joint communication or citizen engagement activities with projects funded under other clusters and pillars of Horizon Europe, or other EU programmes, as appropriate. The details of joint activities will be defined during the grant agreement preparation phase and during the life of the project.
Náměstek pro vědu a výzkum
Tel:+420 221 977 305
Zástupkyně náměstka
Tel:+420 221 977 648
Tel:+420 221 977 144
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Ústav hematologie a krevní transfuze
U Nemocnice 2094/1
128 00 Praha 2
Nejbližší stanice metra: Karlovo náměstí (linka B)
Nejbližší stanice tramvaje: Karlovo náměstí (10, 16, 22), Moráň (3, 6, 10, 16, 18, 24)
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