Call for proposals on the development of social services for psychosocial support and rehabilitation for children and their families in paediatric oncology clinics in Member States and countries associated to the EU4Health Programme
Identifikátor: | EU4H-2024-PJ-02-3 |
Rozpočet: | 7 400 000 € |
Typ: | Jednokolová |
Datum otevření: | 18. 6. 2024 |
Datum uzavření: | 10. 10. 2024 |
Vzva zaměřená na vývoj sociálních služeb pro psychologickou podporu a heabilitaci dětských onkologických pacientů.
Typ žadatele: Konsorcia
Předpokládaný rozpočet projektu: 3,7 mil. €
The main objective of this action is to create a service in paediatric oncology clinics that will support children and their families during cancer treatment, by providing the necessary psychological and social support to infants, children, adolescents, and young adults from 0 months to 24 years old.
The action could support the identification of the different capabilities available across Europe and build the foundation to regularly identify gaps and needs to be addressed at national and regional level across Europe. This process will be focused on quality of life and well-being of children, adolescents, and young adults, their families, siblings, and relatives, including mental, psychosocial and nutritional support, together with clinical oncology, surgery and radiology specialities, including their nursing services.
This action supports the implementation of the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan to support childhood cancer and implements the EU4Health Programme’s general objectives to strengthen health systems by improving their resilience and resource efficiency (Article 3, point (d), of Regulation (EU) 2021/522) through the specific objectives defined in Article 4, point(g), of Regulation (EU) 2021/522.
The scope of this action is to address the critical need for comprehensive psychosocial care in paediatric oncology clinics across Member States and countries associated with the EU4Health Programme. The action aims to support the establishment of a unified service system and support infrastructure to deliver psychological and social support to children, adolescents, and young adults undergoing cancer treatment, as well as their families. This includes developing organizational structures, training programs, and tools tailored to the unique needs of paediatric oncology patients. Additionally, the action will conduct a thorough assessment of existing psychosocial services across Europe to identify best practices, gaps and opportunities for improvement. Through collaboration and knowledge sharing, the action seeks to enhance the quality of life and well-being of paediatric cancer patients and their families, ultimately contributing to the broader goals of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan and the EU4Health Programme.
Expected Impact:
The action will contribute to the development of a social service for psychosocial support and rehabilitation for children and their families in paediatric oncology clinics across the Union and countries associated to the EU4Health Programme. This action will address the need to establish a Europe-wide psychosocial care standard in order to ensure high-quality psychosocial care throughout the whole paediatric oncological treatment trajectory, including the transition from the paediatric to the adult care, and to eliminate inequalities in access to care.
This action will help Member States and countries associated to the EU4Health Programme to improve cooperation among their cancer services, by addressing skill gaps and better equipping the health workforce with personnel trained in cancer care.
This action will help with overcoming the consequences of the drastic separation from the usual environment, to deal with physical discomfort, late effects of treatment, low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence.